10- It has given me so many good ideas and it is a better method for organizing stuff then I have ever had. For years I have bookmarked articles or pictures I have run across on the web, I have written down recipes, and I have torn out pages out of magazines and put them in a folder or bulletin board, but 9 times out of 10, all these great ideas, recipes, pictures get forgotten, lost, or abandoned, but they don't with Pinterest. I love that I can organize all the cool stuff and have it in one place. I love that I can quickly like something and then check it out later to organize it on a board.
9- I love that I have found a recipe on Pinterest to make Olive Garden like Salad Dressing and it doesn't require raw eggs! I have found several recipes over the years to duplicate the salad dressing but got freaked out by raw eggs. I have also forked over the money for the dressing, but thanks to Pinterest and The Country Cook, I have a recipe that tastes just like it and it so easy and inexpensive to make! I made it last night and I love it, can't wait for salad tonight.
8- I love that I can make a Christmas or gift board for my family. I am supposedly a hard person to get a gift for so I started a board of things I love or want, which is a great way for someone who loves me to see what I would really love to have but probably not going to buy for myself. In fact, my husband bought me a watch for Christmas that I had pinned, unfortunately, it looks better in the picture than it did on my wrist, but that's another story.
7- I love that I have found some great homemade household cleaner recipes. I made and love my homemade laundry detergent and I plan on making dishwasher detergent as well and hand soap eventually. I could go on and on about the laundry detergent, but since I already have a whole post on that, I won't, but I still love my new detergent and it works great.
6- It is a great place to organize ideas or crafts that I've tried and loved and will do again next season, such as the hanging leaf mobile that the kids and I made this past fall, that I can't wait to make again next year. (didn't find this on Pinterest, but I found it and pinned it after reading it in a magazine because I knew I would lose the magazine)
5- I have found lots of freezer meal ideas which I just love and having them all in one place to browse instead of pulling out 4 or 5 cookbooks is so nice. I found and made a chicken tikka masala recipe on Pinterest from What's Cooking Chicago. I am so happy that I found a recipe for one of my favorite meals that is from scratch and fresh and not a sauce from a jar.
4- I have found many ideas on how to re-purpose, remake, or just fix up things I already have which is so good financially and environmentally. I found the other day a pin on how to remove scratches from dishes by using Bar Keepers friend, I haven't done all my plates yet, but it made a HUGE difference and I am so thankful because my plates were looking a bit sad, now they look new.
3- My favorite pin find so far is the directions on how to cook bacon in the oven. I love bacon, but I hate making it because I easily burn it and it requires so much attention in a skillet, but bacon in the oven is PERFECT. I don't like extra crispy bacon and so bacon in the oven is ideal for me, I now am not afraid to try a recipe with bacon in it or I should say I will include bacon in a recipe that calls for it. Bacon in the oven made Christmas morning breakfast a dream because I didn't have to stand over the stove for 25 minutes watching to make sure the bacon didn't burn.
2- I love my dream home board. One day we will move or renovate our house and when that day comes I will have a board with all kinds of ideas which is much neater than a folder full of torn out pages. I also love how I can look easily follow a pin link to more pictures which you can't do with a torn out picture from a magazine.
1- I love Pinterest is FREE. I love magazines, but I don't like paying for a few pages of inspiration but tons of pages of advertising, I love that I can go to Pinterest, see what I want to see from a whole wide range of magazines and blogs in a little bit of time. I can find Martha Stewart crafts, Southern Living decorating, and recipes from a food blogger all in one place, but it doesn't stop there, when I have time I follow the pins to see what other jewels can be found, and there are many. I am inspired again and so thankful for the little things that have made life a bit more fun and a great conversation piece with friends!
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These are wonderful reasons to love it. I live ro look at the pictures.
Excellent post! I totally agree! Pinterest *can* be a time-waster but honestly I really USE it every day for my home, my blog and more. LOVE LOVE LOVE it!
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