Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Day 1 of first semester

So I finished day 1.
Of course I got up way before my alarm, but I got ready and to class early.  My first class is an Early College course so it was the same students from last year, we just picked right up where we left off in December.  After class I had office hours and then went and volunteered at the kids school.  I then headed home, had lunch and worked on lecture notes for next week, cleaned up, picked up the kids from school, got homework done, and prepared dinner.  I ate quickly then headed out the door for class.  I really didn't want to go tonight, but after I got there I was okay.  The two and half hours flew by and I am back at home and get a day off tomorrow, well kind of.  So I made it through the first day, while I know that I shouldn't complain, it is not like I am working full time, but but I would rather work my 5 hour day in one time period, not in shifts.  I am thankful though that I have a job that allows me to be with my kids most days and do something I enjoy, though I wish it did pay a bit more.

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