Monday, November 05, 2007

getting ready for Christmas

Yesterday I was invited to help the store I use to work at get ready for Christmas by decorating and putting out all the Christmas inventory. It was so much fun trying to arrange the Christmas goodies and picking out what I might be interested in buying. There were boxes and boxes and even more boxes of every kind of chocolate you could want including four or five different types of peppermint bark, my Christmas favorite. There was so much stuff and because we wanted to put out all of the inventory it took several tries to get the tables arranged so they look nice. Some of the employees were new and I hope that they don't hate me, I got a little bossy at times because I knew some tricks that would work on displaying items with maximum space efficiency. It was a lot of fun to be a Christmas elf and the reward was even better- a fifty dollar gift certificate which is awesome because there is a whole list of stocking stuffers I want to buy, Jeff is excited because he wants to use it on dinner a couple of nights and he feels entitled to some since he did take the boys to the park since their dad got called in to the hospital, but it really made his time with Lance easier because they entertained Lance. So after decorating Magnolia I am in the Christmas spirit and can't wait to decorate the house and have a little money to work on Christmas projects here.

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