Sunday, August 06, 2006

our first full beach day

Today has been a very busy first full day at the beach and a very exciting one at that. We got up early and went into Wilmington to attend a church and meet up with my old college roommates. The church service was awesome and I really enjoyed it. Afterwards we went to lunch and it was nice hanging out with my old friends again. The most exciting aspect of the day was a milestone for Lance. Lance decided that he was tired of only crying and being silent, now he is quite the conversationalist, especially if you understands cooing. Now that we got him started he hasn't stopped. It is really quite cute and sometimes a bit girly especially when he hits the high pitches. He has been making noises occasionally for awhile now, but not "talking" like he is now. It is very fun to talk with him because he waits until I am done talking before he talks, it is like a real conversation, unfortunately I have no idea what he is really saying. We hung out on the beach for a few hours this afternoon. Lance didn't care too much for the water at first, but he dug a little hole for him to sit in and he didn't seem to mind. He also liked to watch the waves come in and out. So one day has come to an end and fortunately we have 5 more.

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