Sunday, January 05, 2014

The outside streak is over

So our outside walks and playtime didn't exactly happen today.  It has been rainy and in the mid 30's and though we did venture out of town and walked through a pedestrian mall, it doesn't really count as outside time since it wasn't very long and rather dreary and not refreshing in the least.  The weather is suppose to be bitter cold tomorrow and Tuesday so it looks liked we are going to be staying in for a few days.  I keep focusing on the weekend where it will be in the 50s.  After temperatures in the 20's, 50's will feel like spring, I can't wait.  The cold is even more gloomy because we haven't seen any snow, just cold rain which makes re days gloomy and it is so hard to get motivated.  I am thankful today we went out of town so we weren't trapped in the house all day since we maybe tomorrow and Tuesday though the kids should be in school both those days.

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