Tuesday, January 03, 2012

ready to get back into the swing of things

So it's Tuesday and the kids have been home on winter break for almost 2.5 weeks, a crazy long time.  I have enjoyed spending all day with both kids, but the fighting between them has driven me a bit crazy.  I look forward to grocery shopping and errand shopping alone as well as a few morning to myself.  I will miss Lance, but hopefully we will have some snow days to enjoy in the near future, fingers crossed.  I have learned over the break that I am not cut out for homeschooling and I am thankful that Lance attends school, we just don't work well together and I am not disciplined enough to stay on top of him.  Then again, maybe if I was homeschooling him I would not also be teaching so I could more energy into his schooling, but then again, we don't work well together.  Tomorrow we start easing back into the busy school schedule, but I like a regular routine and look forward to the structure, I am geek like that.

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