Wednesday, May 13, 2009

two little monkeys jumping in the bed

lily was up quite a few times last night and by 9 this morning she was ready for a morning nap. we all went upstairs and I put lily in her bed. lance was in his room then came out and looking for lily. I told him that she was in her bed trying to go to sleep and to leave her alone. I was in my bathroom putting my contacts in and trying to get ready for the day since I only had to deal with one child at the moment. Of course lance did not leave lily alone to sleep, he climbed in bed with her and tried to teach her how to jump in the bed. lily tried to jump as you can see her little legs moving, but fortunately she isn't quite there yet. fortunately no one was hurt and they had a good time together. It was nice to see them having fun together instead of trying to keep them separate and out of each others toys.

1 comment:

35 and holding said...

so stinkin adorable.... I remember Harrison and Maia doing similar things when she was little. So cute.


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