Thursday, November 22, 2007

Thanksgiving Thankful

I am thankful for:

1- lance- he is the cutest, funniest, best little kid I could ever have

2- electric heaters- that warm air blowing on me when the room is chilly just feels so cozy

3- blueberry muffins- they are so yummy, especially when they come right out of the oven

4- not adhering to a schedule- i use to be a strict scheduler, but I have slacked off a bit and I have enjoyed the rewards- for example, letting lance run around the skatepark instead of bath and bedtime- he had a blast!

5- Beth Moore- her books are so good, easy to read, gets me motivated to grow and learn and love

6- my mom, she is my lifesaver, need a babysitter she comes through, need chicken to make dinner, she has it, need anything, she gets it

7- Pop- though he has been gone for five years, I miss him and he showed me how to love people, love life, and to drop everything for those you love

8- a clean car and clean house- a clean, organized life has much more peace then a messy one

9- Thanksgiving- one of the few days off for Jeff and since almost everything is closed he gets to spend time with me!

10- stuffing- my favorite thanksgiving dish (bread, butter, spices, simple but so good)

Happy Thanksgiving! I can't believe it is Thanksgiving. Where has the year gone? I got a little freaked out at the grocery store on Tuesday because I purchased milk with a December 1 expiration date, DECEMBER 1, that is almost the end of the year? How can it be December already? Well I hear the boys stirring, I got some time to myself this morning, so nice, but now I need to go enjoy them.

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