So Day 2 wasn't the total disaster that Day 1 was. There were lots of temptations to cheat, but I stuck with the fast and glad to make it through another day. I really don't like to think so much about food and what I should or should not eat. I also realized when I was eating my lunch that I could easily become prideful on the "healthy" and "whole" foods that I was consuming and potentially look down at others who don't make "good choices." I firmly believe everything in moderation and give me any food and I can tell you how it is bad for you, we live in an imperfect world, everything can kill you and I try not to get obsessed.
Day 2 conclusions:
I still believe that I am a spoiled brat when it comes to food and I am really appreciate of all the options that we have. Think about it, the options are ridiculous, even crackers, say butter crackers: you have the name branded Ritz, you have the store brand, then there are the whole grain, the no salt, the reduced fat, the roasted vegetable, the garlic butter, the honey butter, there's even bacon flavored.
Is bacon flavored for real?
We have over 10 different options of Ritz crackers! Crackers people! I don't even want to think about how many crackers become stale and get thrown out especially when 7.1 billion people are undernourished and would love our stale crackers. I feel drawn to make a difference, but I am not sure what that looks like and how little me can make a difference. I don't necessarily want to move to a third world country and eat rice and beans for the rest of my life. I also want to make a difference in this country where 1 in 6 people go hungry and who knows how many additional people are getting by but not always making the best food options because a lot of times an apple cost more than a bag of chips. The food situation in the world and in our country is overwhelming and I feel silly lamenting this morning that due to the 7 fast I am not having pancakes.
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